Why i ran for congress
Marjorie’s experiences as a mother and an entrepreneur have served to fuel her determination to work for the American people in Congress because she has lived the American dream. Providing the best home for our children is a top priority as a mother. She believes we must provide safe and secure land of opportunities so our children can succeed in the future. MTG is determined to help others achieve, grow, and to thrive. Marjorie Taylor Greene made a difference in her community long before she ran for Congress. MTG wants to make a difference to each American to light the pathway to success and to assure that this country remains free for all of us. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a force to be reckoned with and accustomed to battles. She will not stop fighting for the people of the state of Georgia and for all Americans to ensure that our country remains free and a beacon of light and justice for the entire world.
“I was compelled to enter politics not out of self-interest but because I believe our challenges are not insurmountable. America’s potential is too great for us to give up, no matter how powerful the enemy may seem.”
Although our problems are numerous and undeniably grave, we can triumph over them. We can defeat the evil forces committed to our destruction. America’s potential is too great for us to simply give up, no matter how powerful the enemy may seem. All that is necessary to secure our American revival is for Washington to represent the wishes and priorities of the people it purports to serve again.
The 14th district's congresswoman
MTG is one of the world’s most scrutinized and reported-on public figures. Marjorie Taylor Greene will not back down. She voted NO against the radical Democrat agenda, put Congress on record by forcing roll call votes, made procedural moves on the floor to stop bills, and introduced America First legislation for all to support. Securing our border, addressing abuse by federal agencies, and representing the values of Northwest Georgia is among her top priorities for her sophomore term in Congress. MTG is determined to stand up for what is right. Left-wing radicals have spent two years turning this great nation into a disaster. The threats to our country include a failing economy, rising food, and gas prices, threats to our national security from every direction, an open border, and a weak President with an even more inadequate executive staff who seem only to function to support Ukraine and China more than American citizens. We are under threats that no one imagined just three short years ago. The time is now, and Marjorie Taylor Greene will continue to hold every person in Washington, DC, accountable by bringing to light the inadequacies and corruption that have become the norm. Join MTG in this fight because doing otherwise will undoubtedly endanger the future of each of us and for our children. We must Save America and Stop Communism.